Friday 25 May 2007

London on the go-go-go

There are a few things in London that show you just how much of a hurry people are around here.

Theres the rush for the tube in the morning and afternoon. But thats probably the same in all cities, except in London the trains come every minute - literally. The longest you will wait for one in the morning or arvo is 4 minutes - literally. Sydeny trains pride themselves on service every 20 minutes. The things that shows that people are in a hurry is that people still get stuck in the clossing doors as they try to jump into the train. Its as if that one minute is worth getting severed in half. We saw an old lady get stuck half way and had to have the doors pried open, not by Mare or I - we were standing there in shock - and then laughed.

Theres the packaged pre-prepared food. You can get anything from an single packaged apple to a refrigerated gormet thai curry you put in the oven for for 15mins - which we have done many times ..mmmm yum And I dont mean frozen salt packed McCains meals.

Theres the popularity of online grocery shopping - no time to waste walking up and down isles.

Theres the store which has everything from homewear to gardening equipment in an instore catalogue. You go to the store, get the products referance number out of the catalogue, pay and wait for them to get it from the store room. No time to waste on looking around. Its also very cheap because they dont have to spend money on displaying things -its all out back in the store room. - something I hadnt heard of in Oz but tell me if they are around.

.... I did it again - I started writing an article all inspired, at work, had to leave it for another day, came back to it and forgot where I was going with it - I can't work under these conditions! I am an artist and need my space! (Insert french swear word here)