Saturday 15 December 2007

A great week with a couple of ozy friends

I'll get straight to the funny bit.

Who? Me and Mare, her friend from home Hayley, her boyfirned Vlad, Mare's London workmate Ian, and two random ladies in a restaurant.

The five of us (minus the two random ladies) went to lunch on Sunday last week. Hayley ad Vlad had stayed with Ian all week and we wanted to thank him for his hospitality by taking him out to lunch. Well lunch was great. Beer, food, wine, more wine, alot of laughs and it was time for dinner. And we were still at the lunch restaurant. So we hopped in a taxi and London Ian took us to another resaurant in the West End.

More food, wine, laughs and we were having a great time. As you would, there were loud laughs and jokes. Nothing unusual. As we were leaving, Ian noticed the two random ladies sitting a few tables away staring at him. So he asked in a polite English manner,

"Are you glaring at me for any particular reason?"
"I can't hear a thing my friend has been saying. We can't have a civilised conversation. Thats probably why this section of the resaurant is empty" Random lady A replied.
"Well you're in London," Says Ian.
"It doesnt matter where we are, you should have common curtousey for other people"
Now, we weren't doing anything that a bunch of people wouldnt be doing if they're having a good time, so this was a bit uncalled for. We all realised this and so did Ian. So he ended this most civilised of arguments with, "well back to the nunary with you!" And stormed out of the restaurant taken aback by the exchange, with the waiters apologising to him all the way.

We were all holding back the laughter at this hilarious argument which would never have happened in Aoustralia. We all laughed about it as Ian took us to an Italian cafe for coffee and cakes, and then to a bar in Soho for cocktails.

It was a great day finishing off a busy and fun week with Hayley and Vlad.

The BEST Commercial EVER!!!

You HAVE to see this... just feeeel the music like the gorilla does

An now for a bit of a remix:

I Love it!

Monday 10 December 2007

Tomeks birthday in Warszawa

Mare and I flew in for a long weekend and pretty much just ate the whole time. With the exchange rate and the big occasion (my 25th birthday), we thought it would be great to splash out - and we did!

We stayed in the grey one

The first night we made reservations at Warsaw's number one restaurant Belvedere. Check out their website

It was in a green house with a wall of vines and palm trees. It felt like we had the whole place to ourselves. The food was amazing and Mare looked stunning.

We also did a little sight seeing:
Tall man, big right foot.

The scond restaurant we went to was called U Fukiera - in English thats 'At Fuckers' - just kidding.

OUtside Fukiera's. It was decorated in a way I had never seen berfore - see the resturant website HERE

We loved both restaurants but Belvedere was our favourite.
The next day we walked around the Old Town and it started to snow outside.

When it was too cold to walk around the Old Town we stopped into this cute little restaurant just off the main square. It was made to look like a village hut with fake windows too

The pototo pancakes were huge! and this was after a bowl of pirogi, mulled wine and soup...

It was a cold cold day and Mare isnt used to that kind of weather. This photo looks very Eastern European with that building in the background

Sunday 9 December 2007

Random - with fireworks in da backyard :)

Every now and then we do some touristy stuff to see London. Its nowhere near enough but we're slowly getting through it. The below two photos are from a sunny day out a couple months ago.

You can see the Tower bridge in the background, a pretty photos of Mare..... and my forehead.

On the 5th of November the British celebrate the day a guy tried to blow up Parliment. "Remember, remember the 5th of November" is the little catch-phrase for the day. And the we they celebrate is with fireworks. On the saturday night closest to the 5th there we fireworks going off non-stop all over the city. You could go outside and hear the explosions literally every few seconds all night!

I went to buy a couple of fireworks too : )

The cheapest box was for 10 quid, and it was a two for one deal. See the photos below for the box...
And I had two of them!! hehe he hehe

An amazing Autumn with hEAPS of fallen leaves!

We dont usually get so many leaves in falling in Australia so we took lotsa photos. This was on the way to the gym in a little part of London called Crouch end.

This one is on a street near ours which we think is really English. We've been documenting the seasonal changes of this street with photos of it as it goes through the growth - we are sooo cool

Thursday 29 November 2007

It was my birthday last week!

Mare and I went to Warsaw for the weekend. We just jet-setted our way over there and chilled out eating at some damn good restaurants. I will post photos when I work out how to use Mare's camera.

But til then...

While at work I came across some great cartoons - check these out:

This one is for people who find the no liquid rules a bit extreme...

Mike Keefe
Denver Post
Nov 17, 2007

This one is a little satirical and ..well I love my American friends and u gotta admit that US foreign policy is a bit screwed up. So this cartoon is about that:

Chan Lowe
Nov 17, 2007

Besides that, Mare and I are doing very well. Im leaving my job soon to start part time work and study. And we are going to Krakow in Poland for Christmas! Yay!

Sunday 11 November 2007

the personality of a Londoner

..depends on the situation and location.

In a customer service situation, a Londoner is rude, careless and unresponsive. Sounds cruel but its true. At the check out the attendant doesnt bother packing your groceries in your shopping bag nor do they care about smiling or initiating small talk. In Oz they are cheerful nchatty and all. But here they dont give a toss. Its good cause I dont need to either and there is no love lost. But, if you say hello and ask how they are then you get a whole new experience. They are friendly and will let you get away with not having enough change. It makes a big difference if you start a chat.

This is different from the tube (aka, the train). On the tube its a totally different story. You look after your ass and make sure you get on that train. There is a saying on the underground - here is always room for one more. And its freakin true. No matter how full it is, if you need to get to work on THIS train, screw everyone else, push, shove and get it. Its expected and no one cares.

In the car its like on the tube but faster and in a car.

But get them out of those environments, into a room, and they are polite but honet. If they feel crap, you will know about it. But they will chat and get to know you before they decide whether to keep chatting or leave.

The funniest for me is on the tube, all the polite formal business attitude goes out the window and its all about getting on that damn tube... even though a train arrives every 1 minute - literary every 1 minute.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

We're back...

Its been a while since the last update - ooops. Its been an eventful month, well not that much.

The last you heard from Mare and me, I was in Australia and on the way back to London. And damn it was getting hot in Sydney. But in London, its a bit different. It gets dark at 4.30pm... thats right 4.30. Anyways...

We were waiting for my med interview results. Unfortunatley I didnt get in this year. It sucks. But thats it. No news of why or how to improve so its back to study for me. The bonus is Mare gets to work in London for longer with a few perks :)

So now our plans have changed. As it stands now Mare and I are staying on London until 21st february. Which isnt that much different from before. But we are not going to be in the US as long. Instead we are going to be in LA for 3 days in Feb. So all our Cali friends, we will plan an eventful few days.

In the remaining time in London Mare will work at here present job which she LOVES! It give her more experience here and other advantages.

I will start working part-time, hopefully at my present job. And will also study for the 2008 GAMSAT. I can use my old score next year to get another interview or a better one. So I aim to get a better score in the GAMSAT so that I have a better chance of getting into Med next year.

Besides that, Mare and I are working and doing the usual thing. We are going to Warsaw for my birthday though! woohoo.

Im looking forward to writing some more stuff on here now :)



Saturday 29 September 2007

The vampires are coming...

As it gets warmer here in Sydney - and boy has it been great the last couple of days - its getting colder in London. Last night it was about 5 degrees celcius in chilly London town while it was a sweet 27 here in Sydney.

Now before I bore you with the weather...well what the hell its so warm here and Im not looking forward to the freezing cold vampire lifestle of London :) Appartently in the London winter the sun comes up at 10am and sets a 4pm. That means we get to work when its dark and leave when its dark - its the life of a vampire - only coming out at night! It will be a new experience for sure. And so will the visits to the solarium to get a hit of vitamin D to replace what we naturally get from the sunshine.

And becuase its cold and dark outside we'll end up inside...proabably in a bar drinking. So we will be tanned, in a bar drinking and outside during the night - hell thats just like summer in Sydney anyways!! Bring it on London!

Tuesday 25 September 2007

The Med Interview Wrap-Up

Its over!!! at 6.12pm I left the final of 8 interviews.... yes 8 interviews. It wasnt that bad though. Each station (there were 8 of them in total) consisted of a small room, a senario, question on the senario and 7 mintues to answer. There were also follow up questions to make sure we covered everthing needed.

I think it went well. I could answer all the questions thanks to the help of Mare, and my mum and dad. We went through a whole bunch of senarios in practice for this.

It was damn tense before hand with all 8 interviewees sitting in the same waiting room making small talk. The tension in that room was thinker than my big toe-nail (charming, I know). But everyone was friendly, even the interviewers who made an effort to put us at ease.

I would give you some of the senarios but we signed a confidentiality agreement to not reveal any of them while the interview process is still going - which it is. We get the results in about two weeks.

But for now its time to relax and enjoy the sun (as long as it stays out)


Thursday 13 September 2007

Tom's coming home for a couple of weeks

Its weird refering to myself in the third person - but Tomasz has the med interview on the 25th and is flying in for two weeks. Im hoping to see a few of you in that time.

My old mobile number should be working if not then email/facebook message me.

Speak soon,


Monday 3 September 2007

Belgium Chocolate

For the bank holiday weekend Tomasz and I made it over to a couple of cities in Belguim...


Just couple of glasses of beers....mmmmm

and a couple of chocolates in the gorgeous Belgium chocolate shops....

mmmm..and a couple more beers....

plus some mussels

But there was a point when it was all a little too much. aaawwww

So time for some sight seeing

Tomasz in 'Grand Place'. The buildings were beautiful

Tomasz at the sight of the famous 'peeing boy'. One of the famous sights of Brussels (classy!?!)


Tomasz with Michaelangelo's Maddona and Child in the background. The only piece of Michaelangelo's work to leave Italy during his lifetime.

The view of Brouge from the Bell tower. We walked 266 stairs to get this view...apparently in the middle ages they hadn't heard of elevators.

One of the beautiful canals in Brouge

One more from Brussels before I sign off

Enjoy the photos!

Sending all my love back home and to all my friends around the world,
Mare xxx

Saturday 18 August 2007

Our Anniversary

2 years.... Thats right, its been two years now - who ever thought ay... :)

Below are some photos from our very happy dinner at a restaurant called Zilli Fish

We went there right after work, hence the work clothes. Ignore the fact that Mare looks like she is not wearing any pants.

We had the seafood platter for two mmmm sooo good.

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Edinburgh, Scotland in Pictures

More stories and details coming soon, but for now some photos:
A beautiful monument to someone

Mare looking very historical on old Victoria Lane

Edinburgh Castle - it took our breath away from anywhere in the city
The inside of The Dome - an old bank turned restaurant
Kire wearing a pretend wig which, back in the day, would have been attached to his head with animal fat - the fatastic Scotish guide explains

Thursday 2 August 2007

London - From the Eye of Mare

So... I have heard from some that I don't contribute enough to the website. Yes, admittably, Tomasz contributes alot more than I but I feel that I do my fair share by reading, enjoying and expereincing along with the rest of you. light of recent complaints - I am going to let you know whats happening in London from my perspective.

Well - for the ladies firstly - The fashion is incredible! Absolutley amazing. I have been drooling at all the different styles and combination of styles I have witnessed here. Ang, our flatmate has an indie/rock influence to her clothes which I think I have taken a liking to. There is such wealth in this town that everyone can afford to wear and do what they like. I always stare in disbelief when I walk down the road here at Mayfair and see people walking with about 10 massive bags from Gucci, Prada, Tiffany & Co. etc. WOW. Shoes seem to be a particular fettish for women here. My boss was telling me about her colour coordinated shoe wardrobe which she had to take the day off from work to organised. You can imagine the jealous look on face. I have a lack of shoes here - so I vicariously live through the shoes I see her in everyday. So far, I am yet to see a pair that I don't like on here - so I will continue to live through her wardrobe.

For the men - I was having a conversation with Tomasz about the women. There are people from all around the world here, who have come to get thier peice of the pie. With that there are beautiful, stunning looking women, all of your favourite looks - Latin, Spanish, Italian, Africa, Asian, Australian Eastern European etc. With that said - I have seen many women with whom I would term butter face - As in "She has a great body...but her face ". So, if you were to come here - expect to be suprised at the variety of beautiful (and not so beautiful) women.

I will write again in the not too distant future - be assured.
Love and Peace,

Monday 30 July 2007


As in - 'damn thats a cool city!'

Mare fell in love with riding our bikes around the picturesque canals and the relaxed summery atmosphere of vondelpark. And this was before the bars and coffee shops.

Mare looooved the bikes!

Me - not so much. But these 'girly' looking bikes are the style in Amsterdam with litrerally thousands of them parked all around the place.

This is an example of the bikes parked pretty much anywhere there is space to chain up a bike. In this instance its on a bridge crossing one of the canals. The houses in the background are also an example of the buildings around amsterdam. They are all thin, tall and go back really far. This is becase when they were built there was a tax on wide houses.

The beautiful canals.

Then there were the others things that Amsterdam is know for. See the red light district was an interesting experience. It seemed like a bit of a freak show with the girls standing in the windows, the thousands of people and mainly guys.

Click on the image below to check out Mare almost crashing her bike...


Hello All,

I had a fantstic time too - loved the historical building and riding those fab bikes everywhere! We managed to squeeze in some time before we left to visit the Heiniken Museum which was pretty fun. 3 free beers included in the price - as you can imagine we left there pretty happy. Maybe we shouldn't have gone there straight after breakfast (hhhmm).

Would recommend this city as a "must do" for anyone travelling to Europe. Oh, and of course - if you're in Europe and you don't drop by our place I will personally kick you're arse!

Enjoy the photos - There will be more as we are off to Scotland this weekend for the Edinburgh Festival - Looking forward to it.

Lots of love from London,

PS: I promise that I am good at riding my bike!!! Here she is trying to ride with the Heineken Brewery in the back

Friday 27 July 2007

Happy Birthday To Mare!

Yesterday was here 100th birthday - she is soooo old, but looks fabulous. We celebrated with dinner and a drink with Mare's brother and a couple of friends, followed by an emergancy hip replacement. A quiet one because we are off to the Netherlands this afternoon for the weekend for Mare's birthday. Ooohhooo!

Its time for us to see some more of Europe - which is great. We've been centralised in London for a while now and its going to feel good to get out for a bit.

So we are off to the land off windmills, bicycles and liberal spirits.

There will be photos and stories upon our return. Til then umm... well it wont be very long, its just the weekend.

Sunday 22 July 2007

The last few weeks in photos

Right after Nate arrived from Africa in his traditional clothes.

Mare on the left and Nate on the far right

Cool little 'fresh' vegetable stands outside most corner stores in London