Tuesday 25 September 2007

The Med Interview Wrap-Up

Its over!!! at 6.12pm I left the final of 8 interviews.... yes 8 interviews. It wasnt that bad though. Each station (there were 8 of them in total) consisted of a small room, a senario, question on the senario and 7 mintues to answer. There were also follow up questions to make sure we covered everthing needed.

I think it went well. I could answer all the questions thanks to the help of Mare, and my mum and dad. We went through a whole bunch of senarios in practice for this.

It was damn tense before hand with all 8 interviewees sitting in the same waiting room making small talk. The tension in that room was thinker than my big toe-nail (charming, I know). But everyone was friendly, even the interviewers who made an effort to put us at ease.

I would give you some of the senarios but we signed a confidentiality agreement to not reveal any of them while the interview process is still going - which it is. We get the results in about two weeks.

But for now its time to relax and enjoy the sun (as long as it stays out)



Anonymous said...

So happy that its over! Can't wait to see the results (even though I know you've got it in the bag). Enjoy the sun whilst you have it as over night here in London it's predicted to hit 5 degrees...fun times ahead!
Missing you heaps and CONGRATULATIONS - Now its time to part-ay!

Nata said...


Fat, your good and dropping the #2. London plumbers must be deathly afraid but happy to see you dump the green!

4 years and 11 months because of what?


Nata said...

oya. it's ova!! not to just wait and see. gambatte!

Anonymous said...

Nata, go easy on that Japanese sake, its getting hard to understand your comments haha