Thursday 29 November 2007

It was my birthday last week!

Mare and I went to Warsaw for the weekend. We just jet-setted our way over there and chilled out eating at some damn good restaurants. I will post photos when I work out how to use Mare's camera.

But til then...

While at work I came across some great cartoons - check these out:

This one is for people who find the no liquid rules a bit extreme...

Mike Keefe
Denver Post
Nov 17, 2007

This one is a little satirical and ..well I love my American friends and u gotta admit that US foreign policy is a bit screwed up. So this cartoon is about that:

Chan Lowe
Nov 17, 2007

Besides that, Mare and I are doing very well. Im leaving my job soon to start part time work and study. And we are going to Krakow in Poland for Christmas! Yay!

Sunday 11 November 2007

the personality of a Londoner

..depends on the situation and location.

In a customer service situation, a Londoner is rude, careless and unresponsive. Sounds cruel but its true. At the check out the attendant doesnt bother packing your groceries in your shopping bag nor do they care about smiling or initiating small talk. In Oz they are cheerful nchatty and all. But here they dont give a toss. Its good cause I dont need to either and there is no love lost. But, if you say hello and ask how they are then you get a whole new experience. They are friendly and will let you get away with not having enough change. It makes a big difference if you start a chat.

This is different from the tube (aka, the train). On the tube its a totally different story. You look after your ass and make sure you get on that train. There is a saying on the underground - here is always room for one more. And its freakin true. No matter how full it is, if you need to get to work on THIS train, screw everyone else, push, shove and get it. Its expected and no one cares.

In the car its like on the tube but faster and in a car.

But get them out of those environments, into a room, and they are polite but honet. If they feel crap, you will know about it. But they will chat and get to know you before they decide whether to keep chatting or leave.

The funniest for me is on the tube, all the polite formal business attitude goes out the window and its all about getting on that damn tube... even though a train arrives every 1 minute - literary every 1 minute.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

We're back...

Its been a while since the last update - ooops. Its been an eventful month, well not that much.

The last you heard from Mare and me, I was in Australia and on the way back to London. And damn it was getting hot in Sydney. But in London, its a bit different. It gets dark at 4.30pm... thats right 4.30. Anyways...

We were waiting for my med interview results. Unfortunatley I didnt get in this year. It sucks. But thats it. No news of why or how to improve so its back to study for me. The bonus is Mare gets to work in London for longer with a few perks :)

So now our plans have changed. As it stands now Mare and I are staying on London until 21st february. Which isnt that much different from before. But we are not going to be in the US as long. Instead we are going to be in LA for 3 days in Feb. So all our Cali friends, we will plan an eventful few days.

In the remaining time in London Mare will work at here present job which she LOVES! It give her more experience here and other advantages.

I will start working part-time, hopefully at my present job. And will also study for the 2008 GAMSAT. I can use my old score next year to get another interview or a better one. So I aim to get a better score in the GAMSAT so that I have a better chance of getting into Med next year.

Besides that, Mare and I are working and doing the usual thing. We are going to Warsaw for my birthday though! woohoo.

Im looking forward to writing some more stuff on here now :)

